Project spotlight: windler

Windler is an 850-acre master planned community in northeast Aurora, ideally located along E-470 just 5 minutes from DIA and 30 minutes from downtown. Envisioned as a modern homestead, Windler has been designed to create a sustainable, diverse, and connected community that blends residential, civic, and commercial activities.

Windler’s residential neighborhoods integrate a range of housing types, densities, and lot configurations to attract a diverse set of home buyers. Homes are centered on streets that promote pedestrian permeability, safety, and visual interest. Parks and open space account for one fifth of Windler, with a continuous park system unifying the community and connecting to the neighborhood trails. Designed to be the focal point of Windler, Discovery Park is part of the primary pedestrian network that defines the community. The layout of this centrally located 22-acre park capitalizes on views to the west while offering a diverse array of programmatic elements.


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welcome liam!