Project Approval: O’Brien Park

O’Brien Park is located on Mainstreet in downtown Parker and is one of the most frequented parks in town. This popularity led to a need for streetscape improvements to address and enhance pedestrian safety. PCS Group has been working with the Town of Parker on these improvements and received site plan approval earlier this month.

To achieve a more pedestrian-friendly park edge along the Mainstreet corridor and enhance the safety of park users, our team developed a layered edge design with walls, seating, planting, and corten sculptural pieces that create a new interface between the park and Mainstreet. This design enhances the park’s edge while also directing pedestrians to the corner of Mainstreet and Victorian Drive for safe crossing, addressing one of the town’s top safety concerns. Additionally, our team proposed a new landscape edge along South Parker Road to enhance the western edge of the park. This more aesthetic effort will help soften and enrich the park's edge as well as integrate the landscape back into the park for a more comprehensive design. Construction to implement these improvements is proposed to begin in the Fall of 2023.


Company Ski Day


Kime Ranch: Solar Bollards