pcs gives September

Every month we donate to a charity chosen by one of our team members. This month Cortney Parsons selected Big Fluffy Dog Rescue, a rescue dedicated to helping save Great Pyrenees, Saint Bernards, Newfoundlands, and their mixes from abuse, neglect, and euthanasia. They also have a fair assortment of honorary fluffies who don’t fall into the traditional fluffy mold. Dogs come into the rescue for many different reasons. Many were abandoned at high kill shelters. Some were turned in by owners who could not properly care for them and still others are failed livestock guardian dogs. Regardless of their origins, their goal for every dog is the same: a safe, happy home where each dog is a well-loved member of the family.

Visit www.bigfluffydogs.com to learn more!


welcome micky!


project spotlight: sterling ranch